The Day I Became a “Cat-Person”

4 min readJun 17, 2022
My baby Simon on his adoption day (8/2019).

I’ve always been a dog-person. I grew up with dogs and God did I love them. They were playful, they were affectionate and were great companions. What’s not to love? Cats however, well they weren’t really for me. I once had a roommate who had a cat, Lucy. Lucy would stare at me in a way that I know cats just do naturally, but in my mind, I knew she was looking at me with distain. And the feeling was mutual. And because she was mostly not so nice, I made a blanket judgment about all cats. They are evil.

My husband, Austen, grew up with cats. When we first got married, we were still renting and did not want to get a pet until we owned a house. Landlords that allow pets are few and far between (and for good reason), so we waited. Then in 2019, we bought our first home. One day, about three months later, I was sitting on the couch scrolling thought Facebook when I saw a post from the SPCA. The shelter was waiving adoption fees for the day. I casually mentioned it to Austen and suggested that we “just go have a look.” He was stoked!

We got to the shelter and looked at all the adorable kittens. There were many other people there adopting kittens, dogs and older cats, which made me feel good. As we looked around, we came across one cage that had two little kittens in it. One was asleep and the other was standing at the door looking out. He was an 8-week-old orange tabby white a white chest and a little orange patch on his chest. Austen was immediately drawn to him. He opened the cage and picked him up. Austen held him and the little guy didn’t struggle to get away, but looked up at us and gave a little squeak. And that was it, we melted. We signed all the paperwork and walked out with our first furbaby, Simon.

We stopped at a store and picked up all the necessities. Food, a litter box, a bed, toys, etc. We put down the carrier so Simon could explore his new home. At first he was a little timid, but after a minute, he slowly emerged and started to make himself at home. Watching him sniff around and play with his new toys, I just fell in love. I finally got it!

So this is what all those cat-people were talking about!! How could anyone look at these creatures and not instantly fall in love?! Simon coming into our lives had completely changed my view on cats. I was obsessed! I went to work and I could not wait to get home and see him. I worried about him when were left the house and was always so excited to come home to him. He was my baby. Austen and I spent pretty much every evening playing with him and then watched in awe as he would fall asleep after tiring himself out.

With both us spending most of our days at work and school, we both worried that he might be lonely. It was decided that he needed a sibling! Then one day we went back to the animal shelter, and found our Jewel.

My baby Jewel, a week after her adoption (6/2020).

Jewel is very vocal, playful and loveable. Though Simon was a little wary of her at first, they quickly became the best of friends. Now, they play together everyday, they take long naps next to each other, they give each other loving licks. They are funny and sweet and make us so happy!

The day we adopted Jewel, it was just us at the shelter. COVID was in full force and the shelter was scheduling adoptions by appointment only. There were so many other kittens and cats there and as we drove home I started to tear up. Austen put his hand on mine and asked what was wrong? “I wanted to take all of them home” I cried. He assured me that the other cats would find homes too. I used to be so anti-cat and now here I was crying because I couldn’t take all of them home. Now, I have countless photos of them in my phone. I am always looking for new toys for them and love watching them play. And there is nothing like the feeling that arises when they walk over and lay down against me or on my lap and drift off to sleep. Little things like that let me know they feel safe and loved.

If you’ve ever thought about getting a cat, don’t think. DO IT!!! They bring so much joy and laughter and love to your life and if that isn’t reason enough then I don’t know what is. And please for the love of God, adopt! There are so many shelters that are taking in kittens and cats every day. So many precious little things that just want a home with people that will love them that they’ll love in return. I wished I had known that sooner, but I know now. And I couldn’t love them more!




cat mom - student - coffee enthusiast - book fanatic